Monday, November 8, 2010

A LONG overdue update!!!

So life in the Glover household has been crazy the last year....  We arrived in Charleston and within 4 months moved out of an apartment onto a really nice house on base.  It was much nicer and larger than where we were living... and it cut Adams commute down to 5 minutes, which has been nice.  He spent 6 months up in VA in drydock with his boat which was a bummer, but we did get to see him some.  We found out we were expecting this last summer and are looking forward to the arrival of a baby girl in Feb!!!!  Logan turned 3 and started preschool and is LOVING it!!! I cant believe how much our little family has changed in the last 12 months!!! Its pretty amazing!   Current pictures and more stories coming soon!!!  I just figured I needed to have some sort of update!

1 comment:

  1. Yay an update! haha. Im only a little late commenting on it! Im so excited for you guys and little Zoey jane thats will soon be coming to the world! Is that how you will spell her name?? Anyways jaim, love ya!
